Trump Administration to restrict Planned Parenthood Family Planning Funds

planned-parenthood-defund-AP-640x480Segnalazione Breitbart
della dott.ssa Susan Barry
The Trump administration is expected to announce Friday a proposed rule to cut family planning funding from abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood that promote abortion and refer women for the procedure as a method of family planning.
The new regulations would prevent abortion vendors from operating a family planning program in facilities geared toward ending life and would make abortion counseling optional – not required – while they would not allow for abortion referral.
According to the executive action, Planned Parenthood and other abortion vendors would lose the funding they have been receiving under Title X, a program that provides about $260 million annually in federal funding for birth control and other services that are categorized as “family planning” – if they continue to perform abortions and refer women for abortion as a means of family planning. Those funds are to be redirected to other facilities that provide more comprehensive healthcare services. Continua a leggere
