TIA Introduces a New Feature

Segnalazione di Tradition in Action

TIA Introduces a New Feature
 Videos on Tradition In Action Media on YouTube
 Our first video is a short 2-minute promo on the 11-volume Collection on Vatican II, Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani? by Atila Sinke Guimarães
A gripping overview of what happened to the Church since the Council that we invite you to WATCH NOW

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Why all the chilean bishops resigned & Vatican II's Church of the future

Segnalazione di Tradition in Action

Our Featured Articles:
The Pantomime of Chile’s Pedophile Crisis – In Three Acts, Atila Guimarães describes the theatrical story that ends with a dramatic scene: On the last of the three-day meeting at the Vatican to evaluate the pedophilia crisis, all 34  Chilean Bishops offer their resignation to the Argentine Pope.  Checkmate for Chile against Argentina, concludes Atila. Find out why here.
Vatican’s Exhibition Boasts the Church of the Future – The Vatican presents 10 “temporary chapels” as models for the future at the Venice Architecture Biennale. These ugly churchesremind us of the message in the possible Third Secret of Fatima we posted in April 2010.
Vatican Advances Recognition of Chinese CPA – Francis accelerates the recognition of the communist-controlled Catholic Patriotic Association in China by receiving a delegation of its government-appointed bishops at the Vatican. At the same time, he tells the heroic Underground Church to be open to “reconciliation.” A great betrayal of the Chinese Catholic faithful.

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