TIA Introduces a New Feature

Segnalazione di Tradition in Action

TIA Introduces a New Feature
 Videos on Tradition In Action Media on YouTube
 Our first video is a short 2-minute promo on the 11-volume Collection on Vatican II, Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani? by Atila Sinke Guimarães
A gripping overview of what happened to the Church since the Council that we invite you to WATCH NOW

Our Featured Articles:
The Roof Collapses on  St. Joseph of the Carpenters in Rome – Dr. Marian Horvat suggests this could well be a symbolic act from Heaven in view of the sex scandals rocking the Church today. The strong testimony of Archbishop Vigano points his finger all the way to the top, accusing Francis along with others of covering for McCarrick’s many homosexual crimes.
Consecrated Virgins in the Spotlight  – In this series, Atila Guimarães analyses the controversial new Vatican document on consecrated virgins that affirms a woman does not need to be a virgin to be a consecrated virgin… He shows how the progressivist Church manipulates the word ‘consecrated’ and points out contradictions  in the document. Last, he shows the tyrannical way this group of women are being turned into efficient social activists of the Conciliar Revolution.
The Church Impotent  – In this book review, Salwa Bachar shows what happens when a so-called ‘conservative’ embraces Progressivism and then tries to explain the feminization of Christianity. She shows how Leon Podles, influenced by Freud, von Balthasar and the Kabbalah, makes a flawed critique of the Church.
This book is dynamite!”  A Reader  315 pp.    Purchase here for $18 each or 5 for $65
This Special Edition to the Collection on Vatican II could not be a more timely purchase!
In it, Atila Guimarães tackles the question that still hangs in the air years after the Zero Tolerance policy was put in place 16 years ago in the US: Why is all this immorality still flooding the Church?
Because Vatican II opened the dike, Guimarães answers, and gives the evidence. He also presents Catholic tradition regarding homosexuality, quoting Scriptures, Popes, Saints and Church law. Then he analyzes post-conciliar documents that assumed a  tolerant moral approach conflicting with the prior Magisterium.

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